Dowker Pavilion

The Dowker pavilion was generated out of folding a line or programmatic ribbon back in on it-self to form circulation loops. Dowker Knot theory- a branch in mathematics views a knot as the embedding of a circle in three dimensional Euclidean space and then fusing the ends to-gether. I began using these knots as proposals for circulation diagrams and the form evolved concurrently. The inspiration came from the artwork of Sol Lewitt which is showcased inside the gallery spaces. Sol Lewitt’s art is very process based. He uses a certain algorithmic formula to generate his art and systems to produce it. He deals with lines frequently and the mathematical approach to his design is reflected in the design of the Dowker Pavilion. A study of a precedent museum (the Johnson) is shown below which initiated the pavilion project.

Inspiration 1.jpg
Development of the knot from translating loops into folds.

Development of the knot from translating loops into folds.

Form and views.jpg

Mobile Embassy


Ben Nicholson: Travulgar Square