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Theater Prenestina

An urban intervention designed along one of Rome’s Consular roads based on Jane Jacob’s urban analysis in “The Death and Life of Great American Cities”. The site was chosen based on the frequency of disturbed uban features along the road: lack of eyes on the street, maintenance, and extreme expansion and contraction of space. The feelings of anxiety along this stretch of road led to the development of a paranoid theater seeking to fix the urban problems.

The site along the consular road Via Prenestina was chosen based on the frequency of disturbed uban features along the road: lack of eyes on the street, maintenance, and extreme expansion and contraction of space. The portion of the map highlights the area with the most collection of anxiety producing features.

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As a response to the site analysis, the program of a theater fixed the lack of eyes on the street by generating more activity behind the windows. The extreme expansion and contraction of space along the road leads a pedestrian to feelings of anxiety. To fix that the building responds to the scale and proportions of adjacent buildings and shores up an unprotected portion of the road.


The parallel walls along the road with windows in between stretch the perspective and create a layered urban backdrop for each of the theater spaces.

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The upper floors have a series of theater spaces of different scales to allow for different types of performance spaces. See theater spaces in the axon below highlighted in gold.


Abandoned Rail: Queensway


Mobile Embassy